The 5 Most Visited Social Media Sites in Uganda

Read the updated version of this article here: Uganda’s Most Popular Socia Media Platforms in 2023 Poor citizens, right?, yes; youth unemployment is over seventy percent and half of the…

How Brazil missed its golden South-South co-operation moment

Guest post by Lídia Cabral, Institute of Development Studies Compared to China or India, Brazil is a relatively small player in development aid. Yet it has managed to make a mark…

Emerging Markets are much more Bitcoin native

The buzz around Bitcoin has been huge. It seems everybody is talking about it, but its uses have been restricted to a niche type of people and business. If you…

Uganda: How social media is re-shaping everyday life

Gmail is indisputably the greatest mailing service that happened to Uganda since the Post Office. Its sister service Google+ thus comes out as more widely known than any other social…

WhatsApp for business: the secret weapon of Brazil

Unlike in this article at the Telegraph, where it highlights how few UK small companies are using WhatsApp to build a rapport with their customers, Brazil is already having large…

Why Brazil still is a no-go for IKEA

Read a more updated version of this article here: No IKEA in Brazil: local furniture brands pose fierce competition In developed markets, IKEA is positioned as a low-priced mass-market brand,…

Beacons: should retailers believe the hype?

It all sounds pretty simple but are consumers prepared or even, have enough understanding to try this new technology? And most of all, are emerging markets more ready for this new retail technologies?

How China’s Alibaba is taking over Brazil

Why is everything so expensive in Brazil? I’m Brazilian and lived there most of my life and back then I quite never understood why until I came across this article…

Why Bitcoin is a good idea for Brazil

I think it all has become a chicken-or-egg situation: would an appropriate regulation help to spread the use of bitcoin? or not enough people use bitcoin because the lack of regulation?
